17 October 2008

Packing for Petrograd

I'm really not sure if I have warm enough clothing for St. Petersburg. Since I have been in Berlin, I have purchased a pair of gloves, and a belt. That's all. Maybe I should keep a look-out for warmer necessities... Sunday morning awaits, and I'll be flying to Russia. I can hardly believe myself when I say that, it's so fantastic.

The rest of my exams went by without too many hitches. I have yet to miss any classes whatsoever, so I hope that does something for me. But I need to put in a little more effort on my homework.
The beautiful trees with their falling leaves are losing them quite fast. It's autumn for certain, and the temperature clings around a steady average of 15 celsius. Over the past few days, it has been somewhat wet. The tap water here in Berlin, unlike many other places in Europe, is very pure, so I suppose that a rainy season can be expectable.

On Wednesday evening, I was invited to attend a musical presentation by Cornelie. There I was able to see the production of Romanian artists in their prime on a small stage in front of me. Among them was a kind acquaintance I had met at the dinner near Krumme Lanke, named Karina Sabac. She played the piano as part of a string quartet also including a violin, a viola, and a cello. They played along to music written by Gabriel Faure. I was amazed and felt so lucky to be present.

After the presentation, I made my way towards a nearby U-Bahn stop and met up with a group of friends who were set to watch the final presidential debate. Because Berlin is (I believe) six hours ahead of Eastern standard time, we had to stay up late to watch it on television. I know I could always watch the debate recorded onto Youtube or another internet broadcaster the next day, but I enjoy engaging with the logic as it is expressed, live. I forget exactly how the topic of conversation began, but we all started talking about what we collectively missed the most about our homes back in the States. It is an odd sensation, living here in Berlin. I don't mean the fact that it is the first city I have ever lived in, but rather, the fact that I am so far from the US. I find it quite strange, on the other hand, that if I were to run into another American wearing a Yankees cap on the street, he and I might strike up a lively conversation about American culture, reviewing pros and cons.
I'm not certain if I have felt much culture shock here in Germany. On that note, I did receive my absentee ballot in the mail yesterday. I filled it out and sent it off, hoping it might be able to get back to New Hampshire before 4 November.
Last night, after all of my exams were completed, I felt like part of a large weight had been removed from my shoulders. I'm sure the sensation is mutual with many who read this blog entry, in terms of a pressure release. In the evening, I met up with many of the same friends from the night before and helped to put together a potluck supper. It always does you well to eat with friends, for certain. And it does me well to practice my skills in the kitchen. Last night I prepared some steamed broccoli with an addition of roasted almonds, but I think I may have put too much balsamic vinaigrette on top. It was only a side dish, so no big deal.
In accordance with documents that have been given to me by the IES staff, St. Petersburg is willing to offer a number of different features, or tourist attractions. There is a chance we could be headed to see the Russian Ballet. This would be very interesting, but I wish we could spend more time around the island, near the salt water of the Neva River. I know I have probably said this before, but I really miss the ocean. That is one thing that going to school in New Hampshire really gave me, is a love for the white foam that follows the crashing waves.
"We are as near to heaven by sea as by land."
Humphrey Gilbert


Anonymous said...

This is so great, Max! Your entries are rich with the detail that expresses your very unique personal touch.
I can't wait to read of your Russian experience. Have a great week!

nata said...

remember when you made that delicious pasta with gouda! mmmm .. i can´t wait for some more potlucks back in NH!!!!